We need your help to pass legislation that will ensure all financial assistance will be included in an insured person's cost-sharing calculations and help all Coloradans afford their life-saving medications.
Email your legislators NOW and tell them to make Coloradans' prescription medications and health care coverage more affordable and dependable!
Please personalize the letter and add your experience on the next page.
Send an email to your legislators using the sample letter generated in our text box. Better yet, customize the following letter by copying and pasting it into the text box below and editing the bolded sections.
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Dear [Representative Name Here]
Many patients rely on third-party financial assistance to pay for their high-cost medications, but some insurance companies have stopped counting third-party financial assistance towards the patient's deductible and other out-of-pocket costs. These misleading policies make life-saving treatment unaffordable and inaccessible; additionally, research has proven that as out-of-pocket costs increase, so do prescription abandonment rates, putting patients at greater risk for negative health outcomes.
SB23-195 will ensure that any payment made by or on behalf of a covered person are counted in the calculation of the covered person's contributions toward cost-sharing requirements. This legislation will reinforce the benefit of copay assistance programs and ensure access to life-saving, high-cost medicines that do not have generic alternatives, or for which generic alternatives remain prohibitively expensive. Similar legislation has already been passed in 16 other states, each with minimal to no fiscal notes, and with no noteworthy impact to insurance premium costs.
[Tell a little bit more about your story with copay accumulator adjustment programs].
All Coloradans should be able to afford their life-saving medications, which is why I encourage you to vote YES on SB23-195. Thank you.
[Your Name Here]
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Please forward this email to friends in Colorado who care about improving health care access and encourage them to take action!
All Coloradans should be able to afford their life-saving medications. Vote YES on SB23-195. #coleg #cohealth #chroniccare
Your voice matters. Thank you for taking the time advocate for dependable and affordable healthcare. Please share this action page with anyone else who might be interested in improving health care in Colorado.
Check out the Chronic Care Collaborative and join our mailing list at chroniccarecollaborative.org
Please consider a social media post to state legislators, such as this:
All Coloradans should be able to afford their life-saving medications. Vote YES on SB23-195. #coleg #cohealth #chroniccare